I love Kroger. I haven't stopped by in several weeks because I've been a little lazy and it's a lot easier for me to just grab stuff from Wal-mart, since I work and live within a mile of the place.
However, I finally decided that it was time to get the coupons together and make a trip to Kroger.
I'll start off by acknowledging that I spent a lot of money $91.21 (saved $51.71), especially compared to what I used to spend on groceries ($25 - $50 a week), but I've started doing grocery shopping a little less often, with trips in between for just milk and necessities & I bought 3 packages of diapers which, unless you find a great sale, are always going to increase the total by $10 to $20.
I also bought a lot of just plain junk. I'm pregnant, and feeling nice and lazy right about now, so I bought some frozen pizzas and convenience foods for my husband.
Here are some of the deals from today's trip:
Popsicle brand treats (Normally 4.19 each) On Sale for $1.99 * 2 = 3.98 - .75 ecoupon - $1 coupon from Kroger mailer = $2.23 for 2 boxes
Blue Bell Ice Cream 1/2 Gallon (Normally $6.49 each) On Sale for $4.99 - $1 tear pad coupon = $3.99 each
Lunchables on Sale 2/$3. I bought 1 for $1.50 and used a $1 off coupon from the Kraft magazine that just came in the mail = $.50
FREE Lay's Potato Chip with Kroger mailer coupon
FREE 18 oz. box of Rice Crispies cereal from Vocal Point
Bounty Basics Papertowels on sale for $1 - $.25 coupon (doubles) = $.50 a roll
Some deals that didn't work out like I thought were the Wonderbread $2 - $.55 coupon and I was supposed to have an ecoupon for another $.55 off, but it didn't show up -- apparently, the coupon at shortcuts is only for the classic or classic white and I grabbed the whole grain white, oops.
Also, I bought the new Bounce Bar originally $8.49, on sale for $6.99 - $2.50 coupon from Vocal Point = $4.49 - $1 P&G ecoupon (didn't ring up) would have been $3.49 which is a decent price for a product that it supposed to last about 4 months. I'm not sure why this one didn't come off. I'm a little disappointed, but sometimes I think it takes a few days after they are loaded before they actually start to work and I just loaded them yesterday.
Overall, I'm pleased with this trip. It's definitely not like the trips I used to make, but I'm working full-time (45 + hours a week), and caring for a toddler, so I'm happy that I even found the time to gather up the coupons and make it to the store!
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